Boy and girl on the shore

High cholesterol counts, childhood diabetes and heart conditions have all been briefed to us. Diets comprising hydrogenated and processed fats, super starches and fried foods doom children and teens nowadays with various health problems, even when childhood obesity lingers as a focal issue.

Despite the gravity of the issue, these symptoms are taken for granted thus endangering the lives of our kids. The culprit is known as the Fatty Liver Syndrome.

Fatty Liver Syndrome Concept

NASH (Non Alcoholic Steatorrhoeic Hepatosis) or Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) are words not to be intimidated about. It is similar with fatty liver syndrome, wherein your liver is dominated by magnanimous fat deposits. Reports showed that NASH occur frequently among children pre-pubescent years and above, but is still very common in overweight persons over the age of 30.

Based on its name, fatty liver is a liver saturated with many fats. Thus, normal healthy liver tissue is replaced somehow with unhealthy fats. As a result, the liver becomes slightly enlarged and heavier giving a yellow greasy look.

Toxins, dead cells, microorganisms, and fat from the blood stream are screened and removed by the liver. On the contrary, fatty livers could no longer strain the blood of all harmful elements. The blood stream then becomes overloaded with fat and toxins.

Lecithin’s Role In The Liver

Any single living cell contains a phospholipid called lecithin that is composed mainly of three types of phospholipids: phosphatidylcholine (PC); phosphatidylinositol (PI); and phosphatidylethanol (PE).

Lecithin is a major component of the cell membrane, and acts as a binder for the essential fatty acids to separate them from other molecules within the cell. It is essential for fatty acids to be separated from other components since they may become rancid, when exposed to oxidation, giving detrimental effects to the body.

Lecithin could also be found in the bile where also keeps fatty substances. Bile is an essential factor in digestion. It is produced by the liver to be stocked in the gallbladder. Lecithin eases digestion and helps in better nutrient absorption.

Meanwhile, choline is another important component of lecithin, just lie the fatty acids. Our system relies on regular food intake so as to accumulate an adequate choline supply. Choline’s function in the body could be the answer to oppress fatty liver syndrome. Science experts observed that choline helps in turning fat into energy in the liver.

Increasing choline intake be it a solitary choline supplement or allowing natural synthesis of lecithin supplement to choline, fatty liver syndrome damage could be altered.

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