A glass of soya


How many times have you heard this line: “Soy beans are good for your health”? It’s spoken like a mantra, and with good reason, because soy beans are more than just a great source of protein.

The mighty soy bean contains isoflavones, gensitein, daidzen, and a generous amount of antioxidants. Each of these substances contributes to the bean’s health-promoting goodness. Read more . . .

Fresh red meat on a plate


Lecithin is the new darling of modern health reports and journals.  But, is lecithin the right choice for you?

Many of the components found in lecithin are essential for your good health.  Just one tablespoon of lecithin granules, or about 7.5 grams, contains about 1700 mg of phosphatidylcholine, 2,200 mg of essential fatty acids including linoleic acid and 1000 mg of phosphatidylinositol.  Each of these important elements contributes to the overall value of lecithin. Read more . . .