Mug filled with milk and jelly

Depending on whom you’re talking to, the word “lecithin” has two meanings. First, it refers to a whole class of natural fat and water soluble compounds, more commonly known as phospholipids, sold commercially as powerful emulsifiers. Secondly, scientists often use the term as a synonym for phosphatidylcholine (PC), a phospholipid component found in every living cell of the body, whether that body is plant or animal in origin. Read more . . .

Bean curd with chicken meat stripe and gravy

With the variety of supplements and number of claims made by pharmaceutical companies these days, it’s hard to know what’s really beneficial for your health.   However, one element that you can count on is lecithin.

Since its discovery in 1850 by Maurice Gobley, a French scientist, the effects of lecithin have wowed millions of people. The compound is a powerful emulsifier that contains a variety of purposes in many industries.  Commercial food processing, paint, textile,  and, of course, pharmaceutical industries all rely on lecithin for the production Read more . . .

Dried soybeans

In this day of nutritional supplements and health awareness,  people know relatively little about the numerous lecithin benefits.  Read on to understand more about this amazing element:

Lecithin is important to your good health for many reasons.  It acts as an emulsifier, breaking up  cholesterol and fats.  It normally helps to maintain a healthy heart.  Generally, it is a source rich in gamma linoleic acid (GLA) and has the highest (98% or more) concentration of phosphatide available.  Lecithin helps the body to utilize Read more . . .

Boy and girl on the shore

High cholesterol counts, childhood diabetes and heart conditions have all been briefed to us. Diets comprising hydrogenated and processed fats, super starches and fried foods doom children and teens nowadays with various health problems, even when childhood obesity lingers as a focal issue.

Despite the gravity of the issue, these symptoms are taken for granted thus endangering the lives of our kids. The culprit is known as the Fatty Liver Syndrome. Read more . . .