Mixed vegetables on a platter


If you’ve ever tried making homemade chocolate fudge, you’ve probably wondered why the cocoa and butter  just can’t seem to stay mixed.  The answer is certainly in the emulsifying.

Commercial products, like chocolate bars, need an emulsifier to help bond certain ingredients, such as cocoa and butter.  Usually, the emulsifier disperses the fat throughout the other ingredients to keep the mixture from separating.  Lecithin, in fact, can also act as an emulsifier within the human body.  Lecithin is standard Read more . . .

Fish with sauce arranged  on a plate


There is no need to deny the well-established fact that soya is good for one’s health. In addition to protein, it is also a good source of isoflavones, daidzen, and genistein, all of which contribute to its health-promoting goodness.

Recent studies have shown that soybeans contain a significant amount of antioxidants that help destroy disease-causing free radicals.

Almost all aspects about soybeans have been studied already to establish why it is beneficial. From miso to tofu to Read more . . .